The story of John Colter is the story of America. If you love America, you will love this book. From a blood descendant of John Colter, the "greatest mountain man who ever lived," comes a peek behind the curtain that Americans of all ages should read...for if a man knows not the mistakes of his past, and is unaware of the cost of war - he is bound to repeat those mistakes in the future and can never appreciate the true nature of peace. "TIS NO SMALL THING TO BUILD A BRAND NEW COUNTRY!"
An immense, emotional and colorful canvas of magnificent characters, from low-down dirty rats to heroic freedom fighters who had the audacity to believe that thirteen colonies could be ripped from the bloody claws of British tyranny and transformed into a free country...as the world held its breath and watched.
Relative of John Colter, internationally renowned artist-sculptor-bladesmith, Powell Swanser, has spent eight years crafting another museum quality masterpiece, this time in the form of a historical novel. From forge-welded facts into anvil-hammered magic comes an unexpected country view of life before, during and after the American Revolution. Through the eyes and souls of Little John Colter, and his black brother, Zeek, you'll risk your life fighting Indians for your painted ponies. You'll be ducking fists on the riverbank to claim your flintlock rifles, and you'll be doing your damnedest to survive the hellfire and horror of cannon battles out on the Atlantic seaboard.
There will be some tears! There will be some laughter...and sometimes you'll have no choice but to just lean back and slowly shake your head in disbelief.
To learn more about Powell Swanser's artwork and blades, visit:
www.powellswanser.com or www.powellswanserincrediblescultures.com
ISBN -- 978-1-938707-31-5 -- $19.95