Naughty Nello and the Sleds is the second story of a series. In this story, Naughty Nello learns a lesson about "borrowing and stealing." Once again, Naughty Nello gets in trouble, but in this incident his decision results in tough consequences not only for himself but also for his brothers, good friend, and a boy outside of Goosetown. Papa and Mama are very upset with Naught Nello and try to teach him to think before he acts. This is a story immigrant families who work and hope for a better future for their future for their children. It is a story of personal struggles, family ties, community, and love. The values taught are relevant to all children and a reminder of the rich heritage our ancestors gave us.
Joanne Puccinelli's home as a child was Goosetown, the immigrant section of Anaconda, Montana. Her childhood was enriched by the different ethic groups in this area. As a mother, grandmother and teacher, Joanne shared the ethnic stories told her as a child. The series of Naughty Nello Books are based on her father's childhood experiences in the early 1920's. The stories are as relevant in today's world as they were in an era long ago.
Cover and illustrations by Brock Elam.
ISBN -- 978-1-938707-00-1 -- $11.95