Written by Rev. M.J. Nicolaus of Sidney, Montana -- He brings to life and often with a touch of humor, makes the connections between the ordinary things in life and an extraordinary and loving God. Horsehide Devotions is a rendering of the daily communion between God and man as recorded through a daily recounting of what takes place as Rev. Nicolaus works with and around his Quarter-horses.
You will find reference in this book to the strongest glue on the face of the earth, the desperation of severe drought, and the most tender and beautiful moments of life, all in the context of living fully aware of the presence, the power, and the tender care of a loving God.
These devotions are written with the family in mind and are intentionally penned so that children can understand them and adults can grow from them. This is a book of devotions that will keep you interested and draw you closer to God every day of the year. Why not take that journey with your family?