The second in the series by Blake Passmore, an illustrated source for climbing in Glacier National Park.
Following on the heels of the first volume of Climb Glacier National Park, volume two features another popular area for beginning and intermediate climbers to discover.
Use this guidebooks to summit 22 peaks while enjoying fantastic views in the Two Medicine Valley and Firebrand Pass areas of Glacier National Park.
"See the Route...Follow the Route..."
Issued in softcover format, 192 pages, with route descriptions, illustrated photos, distance, elevation, and G.P.S. data, color topo maps and summit photos, trailhead locations, difficulty and climb ratings, medical information for climbers, Glacier Park Survival scenarios, brief historical information, optional side trips, and full of incredible full-color photographs, six bonus routes, and five bonus peaks.
ISBN: 1-931291-94-2 -- Climb Glacier National Park, Volume 2: The Two Medicine Valley and Firebrand Pass, by Blake Passmore -- $19.95